Installing a Tree Pro Protector
The 60 inch tall Tree Protector will provide a healthy growing environment for your seedlings. The more site preparation, mowing, mulching, and weed management you do, the greater your planting success will be. A fast growing tree, is a healthy tree.
Place your stake 2.5 inches from your seedling. The key is to have the seedling centered in the tube. Place the stake on the side with the strongest prevailing winds. Tighten the zip ties once the stake has been secured into the ground.
Remember that the vent holes go up and that the solid half of the protector goes towards the ground.
Reform the flat and open protector in to a cylinder using zip ties that are provided. With the holes of the Tree Protector lined up, slide the zip ties through both holes in each side wall and lock the tie with two or three clicks to keep it in place.
Carefully slide the protector down over the top of the tree and the zip ties over the stake. The stake does not have to be attached to the top zip tie on a Tree Protector. The top zip tie simply holds the tube together. The stake must be 2 or 3 inches above the second zip tie down from the top.
Push the bottom of the protector loosely into the ground.
Tighten the 4 zip ties to secure the tube in place.
Place the provided bird net over the top of the tube to keep birds from entering the tube.
Fold back the tabs on the top of the tube to remove sharp edges away from the tender bark of the tree.